How to register a US Company from India ?
What's an LLC?
An LLC s a legal business entity formed by one or more owners, known as members. Unlike a sole proprietorship, an LLC has rights, responsibilities, debts, and assets separate from those of its owners.
An LLC is a relatively simple business structure, with profits from the business passing through to the members' personal income based on their share of ownership. Any number of members may elect to create an LLC, and members may be added or removed as the business grows.
Eligibility For Company Registration in USA
Company Registration in USA from India Can be done only if you fulfil the below requirement.
Director Must attain the age of 18 years or above
All Directors should have valid Passport & Address Proof
A Registered agent can be individual or firm who has a registered address in the province of incorporation
It must be operational during office hours & collect plus verify for the companies formal legal & state paperwork . Thus The registered agent server as a bridge between you & administration
Unique Company Name
ID Proof
Signed Document for Incorporation
IRS Form SS4 Application for Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Why Is USA Company Registration Beneficial For Indian Businesses?
- The laws and regulations are business-friendly.
- Because of the limited liability, personal assets such as houses and savings are safe from liabilities.
- The corporate income tax rates are low.
- As per the laws, company shareholders and directors Do not required to disclose their names.